Recovery begins here!
Intake is the first step for the client in accessing services. The intake process includes completion of the paperwork necessary to begin providing the services that an individual needs, a determination of financial resources available for payment of fees and a toxicology screen.
All initial service plans will be person-centered and client-specific. Abria Recovery will make a determination of appropriateness and eligibility for placement. The condition and needs of the client will dictate the urgency and timing of screening. Persons requesting services will be screened to determine appropriateness and eligibility for placement or other disposition. We will assist individuals in need of care not provided by Abria Recovery.
Comprehensive Assessment
The assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the client and his or her concerns. Each assessment includes alcohol and other drug history including past treatment or efforts to abstain. Assessments with evaluate functioning in the areas of family, employment, physical and mental health, legal, social and other life areas. Strengths available to support the recovery process, client motivation for recovery and ability to abstain from alcohol and other drugs on an outpatient basis are also assessed. Recommendations for additional services, if appropriate, are also a part of the assessment process. The assessment typically takes between 1 and 2 hours. Please note that some clients may require additional assessment time.
Upon completion of the Comprehensive Assessment, the individual will be informed about the next steps, which may include consulting with concerned persons (Probation Officers, Family, Friends, etc.), referrals to the appropriate level of care or completing an intake to one of Abria Recovery’s programs.
Hours for Assessments: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm